Beginning on Monday, September 28th, we are asking parents to send their boxtops to school with their child.  Collection sheets on which to put the boxtops were sent home in students' folders on Wednesday, September 23rd.  If parents need more sheets, they should ask their child to let their classroom teacher know and more sheets will be sent home.
     Twice each year, our school has a opportunity to send in these boxtops in exchange for money. Each boxtop is worth $.10.  The money is used to purchase playground equipment and to pay for activities for our students.
     To encourage parents to help our school with this collection, we have a contest between classes to see which class can collect the most boxtops.  The winner of the collection is rewarded with a pizza party.
      This semester's contest begin on Monday, September 28th and ends on October 30th.  Thank you for helping Chadron Primary earn money for our students.

Mrs. Libby Uhing